"Astor Tower, where living is an art, and every residence is a masterpiece."

Welcome to Astor Tower, a collection of luxury residences where sophistication meets comfort. The one-, two-, and three-bedroom homes redefine city living, boasting high-end finishes, unmatched views, and an array of amenities. More than just a place to call home; it's an embodiment of a lifestyle.

Conceived and crafted by Chicago's-own and most famous Mid-Century modernist architect, Bertrand Goldberg, Astor Tower is not just a residence; it's a testament to a refined lifestyle. Nestled in the heart of the historic Gold Coast, the residences go beyond the ordinary, offering an unparalleled living experience that seamlessly blends elegance, amenities, and timeless design, deeply ingrained in it's rich history.

Astor Tower

*DISCLAIMER* This site is operated by Astor Tower LLC and its owners/managers/affiliates/agents (ATLLC). As of January 2024, the Astor Tower building at 1300 N Astor St, Chicago, is not currently being deconverted by ATLLC. The building at 1300 N Astor St is currently owned by the association of its individual deeded condomimum unit owners of record, of which ATLLC (or its manager/agent/affiliate) is one. The information provided here is informational only and are the opinions and views of ATLCC only and are not representative of the Astor Tower Condominimum Association, its board, or other individual owners.

© 2022 -2024 Astor Tower Chicago